
Monday 4 December 2017

Cyber smart

This morning we didn't have Gerhard because he left so Miss Mills  decided  to review what we have learnt this term about cyber bullying. She showed us this game about cyber bullying and I did Kind Kingdom and it teaches you how to block bad users or report them and so you can be safe online.

Here is a link to the website so you can go check it out.

Friday 1 December 2017

A close encounter

Today a teacher helper named Miss Johns came into our class and told us about her chick and chicken.The mother was 6 years old, the chick is a Australorp and the Adoptive mother is a Silkie. The chick was adopted since the mother's eggs wouldn't hatch and the chick needed a mother.

I learn't that it takes 21 days for an egg to hatch and we also learned about the life cycle of a chicken. It starts off by an egg than a it hatches after 21 days than it's a chick and last but not least its a adult chicken. Here are some photos of me with the chicks.

Friday 3 November 2017

Telescopic text.

This term we have been learning to add details to our writing by stretching sentences.We do this by adding adjectives, Verbs, adverbs, similes and metaphors,We discovered this new site called Telescopic text.

Here is an example.

We were able to turn a BORING sentences in a DESCRIPTIVE sentence.You click on each word and it stretches out like a telescope.

You should give it a go!!🙂

Blog ya later.

Friday 20 October 2017

Writing skills

 This week we have been learning to stretch our sentences to make them longer .Here is one of my favourite story that I wrote. I hope you've enjoyed about what we  have been learning about and I hope you comment an I will hopefully reply. 😉

Monday 21 August 2017

Improving comments

Here is a google drawing to help you have a Quality blog comment by using P.T.H that stands for Positive   Thoughtful  Helpful comment's.

Monday 19 June 2017